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When it comes to the IPCC, follow the money - if you can.

My favorite overseas blog site, EU Referendum, is at it again. This time they are untangling the webs hiding the payments to key members of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climatee Change (IPCC) team.
Today;'s involves New Zealand's Reisnger who authored the fabled "synthesis" of the climate reports in the IPCC's hands and it shows some folks went to a lot of trouble to hide payments to him:
A British government department, DEFRA, has paid taxpayers' money to a British University which in turn paid it to the British subsidiary of an Indian research organisation, which in turn seems to have paid it to a New Zealand university scientist so that he could work for an international organisation based in Geneva - the IPCC.
Welcome to the bizarre world of climate change politics, where nothing is what it seems and governments indulge in behaviour which, in other circumstances, would look very much like money laundering. But, bizarre though it might appear, this is only half the story. The reality is even more convoluted - the word "bizarre" doesn't even begin to describe it.
The tale emerges from our trail of the millions salted away by climate change "hero" Rajendra Pachauri, and the role of TERI Europe, his outpost of Empire in London.
The site has a great deal more on the financial interests of the head of the IPCC,Rajendra Pachauri.