by Frank J.
You know how liberals were complaining over and over about the Patriot Act during the Bush years? Well, now they just quietly renewed it with a voice vote (”quietly” and “voice vote”; that’s a bit of an oxymoron). Anywho, there are obviously some jokes here. You can go after the Patriot Act in general and its invasion of privacy and elimination of rights, as that’s a well excepted trope thanks to all the whining about it (might want to work in a reference to libraries). You can also go after the hypocrisy of the Democrats; the “spying on people without warrants” thing they complained about suddenly seems likes its best feature now that they’re in power. There’s also the whole hypocrisy angle of Obama basically just doing everything he complained about Bush doing.
Here’s what I came up with, though:
The Patriot Act was quietly renewed by the Senate; the Democrats removed their objections to it when they realized that, despite its name, it doesn’t involve any actual patriotism.That’s a well accepted trope among Republicans/conservatives (and even some moderates): Democrats don’t like patriotism. And I made a connection people don’t normally make but would instantly recognize; when people hear “Patriot Act” they usually think “surveillance” not “patriotism.” One method of humor is to basically come up with a statement you want to make, and then do it as obliquely as possible, connecting things people wouldn’t normally connect right away. And try to do it in as few words as possible; brevity isn’t quite the soul of wit, but it helps.
So see if you can make a better joke and maybe even come up with a better angle of attack.