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'$27.5 Trillion Man' Leo Wanta: In His Own Words Part 8

By Anthony Fox - No Agenda News

In 2006, former US Treasury agent Leo Wanta, gave a series of interviews to Greg Szymanski. He claimed he was attempting to return trillions of dollars that lay in offshore accounts to the US Treasury.

This is his story, in his own words.

GREG SZYMANSKI: Okay, Leo I think it would be good to maybe take us back to when you were taken away and put in that swiss dungeon and explain to our listeners exactly why you ended up going through all these legal battles. They basically wanted to copy this. They wanted the money now into private hands, instead of Treasury hands, but [besides] this was there anything more? Is that basically it or is there more behind why you were jailed?

LEO WANTA: Well, there's a lot more behind it. Keep in mind they came to the hotel in Lausanne, Hotel Aulac, because we were now going to meet Vince Foster. Vince Foster had arrived in Geneva to meet with us.

They take my diplomatic passports. I have two of them. One for each country. I don't have an American passport because Warren Christopher, the Secretary of State, said I couldn't have passports for both countries. So I surrendered my U.S. passport, he almost flipped. 

And, Mossad was with Lorrayne Fine. And they were very much involved with Hillary Clinton, on a number of financial programs with Mark Rich. He works for the Israelis. They had a number of things on their agenda which [were] contrary to what we wanted to do within the United States, and [in] the Middle East per se. So they had to get me out. They had to get the money. I had already gave Foster $250 million from Credit Suisse and Vince Foster was going to testify against Bill Clinton on a number of things. He agreed to [do this] with the U.S. attorneys.

GREG SZYMANSKI: And then he turned up dead of course.

LEO WANTA: Absolutely. But, he did come and try to save me and get me out of the dungeons. The superintendent came and said he died. Why would the superintendent want to tell me that he died? Except, somebody was sending me a veiled threat.

GREG SZYMANSKI: Right. When's the last time you saw him before he was killed?

LEO WANTA: July 7th.


LEO WANTA: Of 1993 because we gave him $250 million from Credit Suisse. He needed $250 million for the Children's Defense Fund. He made lodging arrangements for us at the Hotel De la Paix in Geneva. He got his $250 million from Credit Suisse. He got murdered, and I went to the swiss dungeon for 134 days. We still don't know who got the $250 million, but I know it was debited to our corporate account.

GREG SZYMANSKI: So you have verification that Vince Foster was with you in Switzerland two weeks before he was murdered, he was there with you correct?

LEO WANTA: Correct. And we were staying at the Hotel De la Paix. In fact we were all on his American Express card, because he wanted to keep it quiet and didn't want anyone to know we were having a group meeting.

GREG SZYMANSKI: And so you give back the $250 million to the Children's fund, both of you, well at least you not knowing, that later that the Children's fund turns out to be under an Executive Order, a slush fund really. And, so Foster gets killed. But, if they were going to run a fair investigation [of Foster's death] don't you think they would want to talk to you?

LEO WANTA: Oh yeah, but [Kenneth] Starr knew about it. So Starr doing what he did, is really not a cover up, it's obstruction of justice.

Starr wanted to represent me [on the tax evasion charges] in the state of Wisconsin and the Department of Justice Attorney General Doyle at that time gave him a job as a contract lawyer [in the] Department of Education. So he dropped me like a cheapskate and he went with the Department of Education. We all knew Starr was given a plum job on the behalf of the state of Wisconsin to avoid me. That's another case of obstruction of justice. He knew my case inside and out and he bailed on me to go to the Department of Education.

GREG SZYMANSKI: ...they cover up their own investigations...

LEO WANTA: Yeah but you have to keep in mind Mark Rich was in the Hotel Au Lac in Lausanne, and he was going to take the ferry. His attorney at the time, of all people, was I. Lewis Libby, also known a 'Scooter'. That's one of Mark Rich's main attorneys, Scooter Libby. So how do you think they get the inside track?

GREG SZYMANSKI: That's interesting, I didn't know that.

LEO WANTA: Ken Starr knows it because we talked about it.

GREG SZYMANSKI: Interesting. And of course these things have never been investigated properly.

LEO WANTA: Why, I've been talking about it for years.

GREG SZYMANSKI: And like I said they've never been investigated. And there you sit...

LEO WANTA: I told everybody in Congress, everybody in the Senate, I told everybody and anybody.

GREG SZYMANSKI: And let's get back to Hillary. Here I'm reading something that was sent to me, thatHillary had been in control of an organization called the Children's Defense Fund. And that was listed under Executive Order 12333 in 1981 under President Reagan. Okay?

LEO WANTA: I don't think so.

GREG SZYMANSKI: That's what it said here, but that's not it?

LEO WANTA: Because the Executive Order allowed us to have CIA proprietary corporations. Now, that's not saying the Children's Defense Fund wasn't a CIA proprietary corporation. I wasn't a member of the Children's Defense Fund.

GREG SZYMANSKI: Okay. Anyway, we have the Executive Order now. Hillary Clinton then...Basically, this corporation has been used for intelligence purposes. Money being used for intelligence purposes, not for a children's defense fund. And she basically is in control of this, and also treating it maybe, as her own private little slush fund.

LEO WANTA: She is the chairman.

GREG SZYMANSKI: So is there anything in there that you had found out about how she was using the money.

LEO WANTA: No. All we were told by Andrea Tyson, who was the chairperson of the Presidents Economic Counsel, that she [had] approved the request from Vince Foster for us to set aside $250 million for the Children's Defense Fund. Since they're in the Whitehouse, and I'm not in the Whitehouse, I'm not going to argue about it.

This is the eighth installment of an original series from No Agenda NewsSee here for part seven.

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