Alt-Coin Trader

Gitmo Nation Roundtable 36 - Bad Medicine

An unstructured, all health care episode featuring Brian Masi, BaS, Senor Cardgage, and RadioNed. Despite not having a structured agenda, we still have a series of links used as reference or in research. Please see them below for more information on the topics discussed.
Media Summaries
•   Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What’s in the Bill
•   Health Care Bill Passes: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
•   The health-care law: Answers to frequently asked questions
The Laws
•   Health Care Bill Summary: Follow the Endgame [Legislation Roundup]
H.R. 3590
• Act Portal
•   The Act [pdf]
H.R. 4872
• Act Portal
•   The Act [pdf]
CBO Estimates and Publications
•   Cost Estimate for Pending Health Care Legislation [Regarding H.R. 4872, Reconciliation Act of 2010]
•   An Analysis of Health Insurance Premiums under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [Regarding H.R. 3590]
Other Links to Consider
•   The Difference Between Liberalism and Progressivism
•   3 Lowlights of Health-Care Reform
•   Obama’s Weekly Address: Two  Major Reforms on Health Care & Higher Ed
•   UnitedHealth Group spent $940k lobbying in 4Q
•   Healthcare Reform Winners and Losers
•   Why Healthcare Reform Will Mostly Benefit Health Insurers